Create a Copy trading account and connect to one or more strategies from the rating.
Choose strategies based on monthly profit growth and account balance. In order to minimize the risk, set the copy ratio and drawdown limits.
Trading on a stock exchange is associated with risk, so it is natural to feel insecure about your skills.
To start placing profitable trades from the very beginning, use the experience of professionals — connect your account to their strategies. The system of Copy trading accounts will automatically follow their transactions.
Minimum investment per one trading strategy.
Single Copy trading account for hundreds of strategies.
Risk control system. The investor sets weekly drawdown limits. You can disconnect from a strategy and close trades at any time.
Orders are executed immediately at the same prices, which ensures the smallest possible commission for specific trades. It means a greater potential for profit, especially for high-frequency trading systems.
Automatic lot calculation for the opening of positions. You'll need to specify the investment amount and the weekly loss limit. All other parameters will be calculated automatically based on the ratio of your investment and the manager's funds.
Make up to 50% of the profit of your investors: you set the fee.
Trade on your own, or use EAs and high-frequency strategies.
Profit is transferred automatically at the end of each trading period.
A portfolio is a universal tool suitable both for beginners and experienced traders.
It allows distributing funds between several instruments and, as a result, to achieve higher profitability.
The key of success of a portfolio lies in the balance of assets.
Copy trading
Portofolio investasi
Anggaran minimum
100 USD
1000 USD
Instrumen perdagangan
Setiap, tergantung pada strateginya
(mata uang, saham, logam, komoditas, indeks, barang) |
Saham, indeks, logam
Platform perdagangan
Copy trading
Trading Platform 4
Trading Platform 5 |
Diversifikasi risiko
Kemungkinan untuk berinvestasi ke dalam strategi yang berbeda, menetapkan rasio penyalinan apa pun, menetapkan batasan untuk laba dan rugi. |
Portofolio dibentuk setiap bulan berdasarkan analisis data dalam jumlah besar. Aset seimbang memungkinkan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan dengan risiko minimum. |
Kurva pembelajaran
Perdagangan independen
Penempatan dan penutupan perdagangan independen
Dalam strategi perdagangan
Dalam aset pasar
Untuk siapa
Semua orang
Semua orang
Laba pertama yang diharapkan
Keesokan harinya setelah investasi
Portofolio dirancang untuk periode 1-6 bulan, dan meskipun laba pertama mungkin terlihat pada hari berikutnya, disarankan untuk menunggu setidaknya 1 bulan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan Anda
Hasil yang diharapkan
Tergantung pada strategi
Rata-rata, 15–25% per bulan