Rumah Tentang perusahaan Blog Meet the Upgraded Copy Trading by Grand Capital

Meet the Upgraded Copy Trading by Grand Capital

The copy trading service is back from maintenance, upgraded and renovated. Recently, we have put our best efforts into making it even better and are proud to present it to you with a full set of features. Sign up and try for an even better trading experience, including:

  • Ergonomic client experience: All functions are still in the single Private Office - a huge plus for experienced traders and money managers;
  • Instant deposit/withdrawals execution within the copy trading service;
  • Numerous strategy parameters added: Get an even better picture of manager’s performance;
  • Multi-language interface: Act globally;
  • Ultimate add-on: reverse copy of the manager's trades, together with the adjustable risk ratio and loss limit, that are prime tools for your proper risk management.

And this is just the beginning. Come and try it for yourself.

Accurate enough? We are publishing the exhaustive Manual for you in a few days to follow. This will guide you through all the functions easily. Watch the news for an update.

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